The (Sh)Elf Life & Times of Turelie Alasselle
Not your average Elf. Not average in general really. Come, read my mind-- my thoughts, activities, yada, yada. Word on my groups, LOTR&Ot group Quenya Study-Buddy... and my elven roots! *lol*

Thursday, May 27, 2004
((OOC: this will be loooong-- i had not realized there was so much to the party!))

elvish news: the party finally ends *lol*

Thranduil understood what I was saying and stood, offering me his hand. We walked to the tables and I fixed a bowl of food. Everything looked wonderful and the servants were all grinning from ear to ear. I glanced at the king and noticed that he was staring at me again and had not yet picked up a bowl. I was concerned; Thranduil clearly enjoyed the strong wine but had not eaten anything all evening. "Are you
not eating, my lord? Does nothing you see please you?" He shook his head as if awaking from some reverie and told me his thoughts were elsewhere. As he hurried to choose his food I told him I wished to renew acquaintances with those I remembered from my earlier days in the kingdom. Of course, I had no true desire to do any such thing. Yet, with my present and past positions of favor in the king's eyes I could hardly be remiss in my social obligations.

We worked our way from one side of the crowd to the other, greeting countless elves until my poor hand was nearly bruised from being clasped so often and so hard. Amused, I told the king as much and he kissed my hand. Thranduil was just beginning to tell me how much he would treasure our evening together when the Lord and Lady of Lorien left. We watched for a moment and the king snidely commented that Celeborn had wearried of dancing (no wonder since he had been at some young elfling half the night) and Galadriel was ready to take her shoes off. I laughed, wondering if perhaps old age had gotten the best of Galadriel at last. (She is one of the few beings older than myself and ever finds ways to remind me.) In my hilarity I bravely called for another goblet of wine.

As we walked through the throng I felt the curious eyes searching me, taking in my flushed face and swollen lips. No one even had to wonder what had gone on. I looked at the king and saw that Thranduil was beaming at everyone as if this were an every day occurence for him. It seemed as if nothing I had said bothered him in the least. Of course, I could not hang my head as I wished either. I walked with Thranduil holding my head high and seeking out my human friend, Amroth, singling him out for a smile. I also made it a point to smile at the White Lady, who looked rather smug at having interrupted things. Quickly forgetting her, I turned to look at my golden king and found him already watching me as we approached our seats.

I was grateful that Thranduil remembered my earlier embarassment and seated me in the chair next to his gilded throne. He passed me a goblet of dark, rich-looking wine and managed to sneak in another kiss in the process. I took a small sip, wary of its strenth; I had seen the effects of it on the partying elves. Indeed, I nearly choked trying to swallow it. I had to smile when I saw Thranduil watching me, followed by a serious of small sips as I watched the dancing and feasting. As I drank I thought to msyelf, For a moment I thought of his words in the garden, and wondered how much of it came from the wine. To distract myself, and guard against the effects of such strong drink on an empty stomach, I suggested politely, "My lord, are you not hungry?" He understood at once, and we moved to the edge of the clearing.

All of the food looked wonderful and I took my time filling a bowl with the most tempting morsels. I glanced in the king's direction and noticed that he had not even picked up a bowl. His eyes were fastened to my face and I frowned. "Are you not eating, my lord? Does nothing you see please you?" Thranduil was startled out of his reverie and began to choose his food at once. I decided it was time to deal with my responsibilities.

"I believe I would like to visit with some of those I knew before." Of course that was the last thing I wished to do, but my past position in the household of King Oropher and my standing with Thranduil made socializing an obligation. We began circulating, greeting old friends and bringing to mind a variety of warm memories.

Once we worked our way to the other side it was time to toast the occasion. The king was kind enough to bring out a more potent wine. I watched him drink two goblets while I sipped my own. For some reason he seemed to think I did not feel well and offered to escort me to my chambers. I was shocked and quickly told him, "It would be a shame to wasted such a lovely evening indoors."

We talked for a while longer, and the conversation turned to his son, Legolas. The king was very proud of his son and I told him I only wished I could meet him, but did not intend to stay. "Maybe I shouldn't say this because it doesn't sound good in the mouth of a father, but Legolas is a fine warrior and knowing him as I
think I do, he will be pleased to meet you, Turelie. Stay with us as long as you want, if there's nothing you need to take care of first, of course." I had known he would ask, but until that moment was unsure of my answer. Gazing into those emerald eyes I could not say no. "If it pleases my lord, I will stay for a couple more days at least." To my amazement, Thranduil suggested that I make my stay several months, until the turn of the seasons. Under the heat of his gaze I found myself agreeing to at least a couple of weeks. I justified it by telling myself Amroth was not yet ready to travel and that I wished to see him off on whatever path he might choose.

The wee hours were moving steadily toward morning light when we left the party. A chill breeze stirred from the river and the king removed his own cape to cover me. As he walked me to my rooms I noticed that he seemed nervous. In light of all that had happened that night, I was concerned and wondered what was on his mind...
7:44 AM ::
Creide :: permalink

Monday, May 10, 2004
elvish news: rejoining the party

As we walked through the throng I felt the curious eyes searching me, taking in my flushed face and swollen lips. No one even had to wonder what had gone on. I looked at the king and saw that Thranduil was beaming at everyone as if this were an every day occurence for him. It seemed as if nothing I had said bothered him in the least. Of course, I could not hang my head as I wished either. I walked with Thranduil holding my head high and seeking out my human friend, Amroth, singling him out for a smile. I also made it a point to smile at the White Lady, who looked rather smug at having interrupted things. Quickly forgetting her, I turned to look at my golden king and found him already watching me as we approached our seats.

I was grateful that Thranduil remembered my earlier embarassment and seated me in the chair next to his gilded throne. He passed me a goblet of dark, rich-looking wine and managed to sneak in another kiss in the process. I took a small sip, wary of its strenth; I had seen the effects of it on the partying elves. Indeed, I nearly choked trying to swallow it. I had to smile when I saw Thranduil watching me, followed by a serious of small sips as I watched the dancing and feasting. As I drank I thought to msyelf, For a moment I thought of his words in the garden, and wondered how much of it came from the wine. To distract myself, and guard against the effects of such strong drink on an empty stomach, I suggested politely, "My lord, are you not hungry?

3:10 PM ::
Creide :: permalink


elvish news: the party, part 2

His kiss reminded me of all the long years I had spent alone, dreaming that someone would look at me just once the way Thranduil now looked at me. I could not resist returning it just as tenderly as he had begun it. Then the soft murmur of voices around us woke me from my dream-state. I was horrified! Countless eyes watching my every move, mouths whispering and commenting about this moment that should never have happened in public...

I gasped, pulling my mouth from his. How humiliating... I could not run from him-- And leave a mighty and beloved king spurned in plain view of his subjects? Nor could I continue to behave in such a manner. Forced to remain in his arms, I looked to Thranduil, but my embarassment was so great that I could not meet his eyes. He kissed me again, softly, and told me there was nothing to be ashamed of. With a look he silenced the crowd then took me by the hand and led me again to his garden. I could not be sure which was worse-- to stand in the public eye, or the words I knew were being said of our absence.

in the garden again

I stood deep in my thoughts, almost envying his serenity. He had nothing to hide, whereas I had hidden my entire life and known the shame of my mixed heritage. Thranduil interrupted my revery, pulling me into his arms once again. As much as I longed to hold him in return I could not, and stiffened, turning my gaze from him. He was too deep into this thing to consider the consequences. It was for me to keep a clear head.

I told him this could not continue with so much at stake. I spoke of his subjects' dismay at finding their king suitor to something less suitable than a human, something that would terrify them, possibly inspire hatred. It pained me to tell him, but I had to say the words, "I am not fit for you, your highness." I turned from him to hide my sorrow. "My heritage is not something that can remain hidden." The memories my words reawakened were dark ones. "That is a lesson I learned long ago, and painfully. That is why, my lord, you should seek an appropriate match, rather than pursuing a childhood fantasy." My hope was that my words would take him back to the days when he was but an elfling and I cared for him, throw into contrast his infant admiration and this new emotion. "There are countless elf-maids here tonight, each more beautiful than the next. Surely one of them is more suited to win your heart."

He laughed at me. He actually laughed at me, brushing the hair from my face. I knew he had drunk much wine and it loosened his tongue. Thranduil told me boldly that he is well-know for being many things, but mainly for being wise and beloved by his people. For this reason he said, they would trust me to live among them and think no ill of me. Then he said something that truly amazed me, "Also I love to chase dreams, and if to have you means to sacrifice everything, then consider it done. And Turelie, they can be beautiful but they can't touch this silly old heart like you do." He gently took my hand and placed it on his heart. I could feel it pounding fiercely as he said, "They can't make me feel I'm living inside an amazing dream like you do, I won't look for another person to match me because there won't be another woman in my life that will make me feel like you do."

He sealed the promise in his words with a kiss far more passionate than the ones before. How could I not respond in kind? I found myself caught in the moment, so enraptured that I begged him not to stop kissing me. Of course he complied, whispering "Lle úthaes nín, nín bain" (You tempt me, my beauty) and kissing me wildly. Then he started, and I broke away, trying to figure out what was wrong. Thranduil had received a telepathic reminder of his duties as host from Galadriel, and said we should return at.

I was disappointed. To be interrupted now that I had finally found a moment of happiness... The king led me back to the party, and I went peaceably though I longed to speak my mind. I knew I did not plan to stay in Mirkwood long, and wished to spend all the time I could with him. Yet, I could never tell him how I felt. To me "love" is a completely foreign idea and to know that after thousands of years someone at last felt this thing for me was frightening at best. I was used to being in complete control, but suddenly my heart had become a runaway horse, scorning the reins of logic.

He paused for a moment to look at me before we rejoined the crowd. "If it was my choice, be sure I would not end what we started a few moments ago..."
1:08 PM ::
Creide :: permalink

Friday, April 30, 2004

elvish news: the party...

Never have I ever felt so flattered or admired! King Thranduil practically leapt from his seat at my approach (post by Maldy):

The king rose from his throne when he saw her coming and stopped at a few cms. of her. He had no words to explain how beautiful she looked that night. Turelie looked like those enchanting princesses that only appear in fairy tales: delicate, femenine, powerful, divine, perfect. Yes, perfect was the only word that appeared in Thranduil's mind. Perfect, incredible perfect, and better, alive and smiling, just in front of him.
The elven lord took her hand and leaded the gorgeous elven lady to where he was sitting. Comanding his butler to fetch him another chair, he made her sit in his throne and handed her a globet of wine. "Did I mention that when I saw you, you left me speechless?"

Speechless, indeed. I found myself unable to say a word, horrified by the countless eyes staring at me. King Thranduil seemed to find my embarrassment amusing, teasingly saying that I should not have such a flush since I had so little wine. I replied honestly, that I had not had any and told him I wished to know why he had put me in such a place before the crowd. He reminded me that the celebration was in my honor and when I demurred, he misunderstood my request to be down among the others. Rather, he thought I wished to dance and so I had no choice but to allow him to lead the way.

As we began dancing his eyes were on me. I could not bear his strong gaze along with the curious stares of the others and I closed my eyes for a moment. When I opened them again I was trapped by his eyes. Never before had I seen such deep love and devotion pouring from someone's soul. I relaxed... and he drew me closer. I laid my head on his chest, content just to be near him. When I looked at him again his emerald eyes spoke such volumes that I failed to notice when we stopped dancing, then he was kissing me... and I melted.

12:23 AM ::
Creide :: permalink

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

elvish news: turelie's dress...

to make it easy on myself, i shall simply copy my post from the RPG:


Turelie was not sure what to expect as she entered the firelit chamber. When she saw the gown hanging in the room, her eyes widened. She had known the king had excellent taste, but the dress he had chosen for her astonished her nevertheless. He had remembered her favorite color from his childhood-- the gown itself was of the deepest green, which she now noticed, was the same brilliant shade as Thranduil's eyes. The overlay was of fine silver, spun into a sheer mesh cloth as delicate as a spiderweb. The neckline and cuffs were adorned with countless tiny emeralds and white stones that flashed in the firelight. However, the detail that truly astonished her was the symbol, that of the House of Thingol, embroidered on the garment with incredible detail.

"My lord... my house..." she finally managed to gasp out, as she touched the silken fabric. For a long moment she could say nothing else. Turelie glanced at the table and saw a circlet cleverly made in the shape of two flowers adorned with tiny white stones, intertwining and meeting in the center to encircle a single large emerald. "Such extravagance is truly undeserved, my king. And perhaps considering my..." She stopped and bowed her head, too embarrassed to continue.

When I turned to him, Thranduil simply smiled, bowed and left the room. I quickly made use of the tub of hot water which had been made ready for me, then dressed, leaving my hair unbraided for a change. Meanwhile, Amroth was receiving clothes of his own:

A servant approached the room, and knocked, then entered. He smiled at the human and announced, "These clothes have been selected for you. Please do not hesitate to ask if there is anything you wish or need." The tunic he laid on the table was of finely woven light blue cloth. Beautiful shapes and flowers were embroidered along the front closure in varying shades of blue. The light of the torches sent miniscule rainbows dancing across the sleeves from priceless white stones. The leggings were fitted and the boots were soft. "A bath has been made ready for you," the servant said, motioning toward a door leading to an outer room. "The lady Turelie Alasselle shall escort you to the feast." Leaving the awe-struck human staring at the clothes in silence, he bowed politely and took his leave.

Once I had made my preparations, I dashed off down the hall to pick up Amroth. He was nervous and fearful of such a formal occasion, but I assured him that the elves thought highly of him and only wished to please him. (Time for another post):

Turelie and Amroth walked silently down the path. All around them were lights, torches carried by the countless inhabitants of the kingdom. Each face smiled and many voices joined in a soft melody. The path was lined with trees, and the stars themselves appeared to have taken residence within their boughs. As the procession wound down into the firelit glade, the singing increased and the tune brightened. Roasting meats and freshly baked delicacies filled the air with a delicious aroma and they could see that some of the party-goers were already seated in a large circle and had begun passing bowls from hand to hand. At the far end of the circle, off to one side sat Galadriel and Celeborn, talking and watching the crowd. On a low throne in the very center, his head encircled with a crown of flowers, sat King Thranduil himself, his beautiful face radiant and beaming as his servants wove around him in a graceful dance.

Galadriel approached us at once, welcoming us in her usual graceful manner. Then I sent Amroth off to dance with an elf-maiden who was eyeing him and approached the king...
3:44 PM ::
Creide :: permalink

in RL news, have started playing an AWESOME new game! come, join me-- in playing Gothador http://www.gothador.com/index.php?ref=458

am also *very* hooked on RavenBlack's Vampires! game-- http://quiz.ravenblack.net/blood.pl?biter=Creide

oh yeah, at the request of some of my friends, i'm going to add a guest page and maybe see about getting all linked up. also, please keep in mind that i'm *NOT* a mary-sue. the things i'm writing are not my personal story in any way, shape, form or fashion. rather, they are a summary of an RPG and in fact, the romance part was not at all my idea. i have argued and protested every step of the way, but been overruled. therefore, i bring you LOTR Middle Earth Live, through the eyes of Turelie Alasselle


elvish news: and so it begins...

I have not yet been in the kingdom of N. Mirkwood for a full day, and already things have become somewhat complicated. After making the proper introductions between the king, Galadriel, and my human companion Amroth, I sent the king a message saying that I wished to have an audience with him. As Galadriel seemed to interrupt each time we began talking, Thranduil suggested that we make use of his private gardens. The flowers were in full bloom, with each color of the spectrum represented. The air was filled with the heavy perfume of blossoms as we walked together.

Yet, all was not relaxing and serene. King Thranduil began to talk about how lonely his life has become, and how he longs for someone to share it with. At first, I did not understand what he meant, but then he took my hand and gazed longingly into my eyes. I felt I had no choice but to pull away, declaring that I was not what he truly desires. However, like most men, my elf king was stubborn, adamantly telling me that I have been his one desire and true love for ages. Despite my objections, I found myself in his arms, receiving a rather... passionate kiss.

It was all I could do not to give in. In fact, for a brief moment I did let myself go. Yet I knew that it could not be-- not with my secret hanging over me like Damocles' sword. So I thrust him away, telling him no and saying that it could not be. Poor Thranduil thought he had done something wrong, or that I did not love him. The hurt and agony in those beautiful green eyes was too much for me to bear, and I found myself forced to tell him the truth about my ancestry. He took it rather well, considering the violent past of elves and dragons. The simple fact that the king was able to see beyond what I am and look at who I am meant more to me than I could ever have told him.

King Thranduil finally escorted me back to my chambers, where I found that he had ordered a stunning outfit for me.

**continued in next post**
3:10 PM ::
Creide :: permalink

Monday, April 19, 2004
Mae govannen!

As dear Naneth Duchess keeps pointing out, I'm afraid I have been rather neglecting my poor blog. *blush* It is just that I have been soooo busy lately! Still working, commuting, doing the school thing and took a wk off to go on vacation last wk. I fear I have been a terrible owner/mod for a couple of my groups, as doing the RP one is taking up a great deal of my online time. OK, that and I'm just lazy! *hangs head in shame.*

Well, onwards and upwards, I always say! So what's new... well, I've become a vampire, Turelie has taken on a second life in my new RP group, I have been busy making new friends in the vamp world and working like a dog in the real one. Anywho, within the vamp world I decided to join a clan. It's been pretty awesome and I'm loving it... but last night I was issued an invitation. It is truly an honor and I feel very special... but very afraid as well. Anywho, on to things of a brighter hue...


elvish news: new beginnings...

now that i am in a whole new world, i, as Turelie Alasselle have taken on a new persona. this time i am a kinder, gentler version of myself. unlike my human-wary self in the other RP, i willingly took on a human companion, Amroth. the poor boy was hurt, so i applied what skills i could to slow the poison in his wounds. then we set off towards the heart of Mirkwood, where we were met by a band of elves. they were friendly and understanding, and i made the acquaintance of Hareth, their leader. he was funny and laid-back, cracking on me about "my human"-- until he found out how old i was! without thinking *wink, wink* i introduced myself as "Turelie Alasselle, of the House of Doriath," forgetting for a brief moment that Doriath was destroyed long before most elves were even born! so we were taken to North Mirkwood, where Amroth was placed in the care of a healer.

when King Thranduil heard the news of an elder elf arriving, he came at once, hastily leaving a meeting with Galadriel and Celeborn. i was amazed by how like his father, Oropher, he was-- same noble carriage, same calm demeanor, same beauty and grace. *sigh* apparently he was impressed w/ me as well-- he leapt to his feet and gave me a bone-crushing embrace upon hearing my name. why? well... and here's where it gets interestin'...

when i lived in N. Mirkwood before little Thrandy was just a wee elfling. *snicker* and apparently (blame *Grandma* Maldy for this one!) i was the object of his first crush. *ten shades of red* after my sudden disappearance, which was never explained, he was rather heart-broken. the poor dear elfling always missed me and now that i'm back-- well, he sort of forgot about being a noble, dignified king for a bit! you should've seen him blushing and fawning over me! i am still somewhat in shock myself, to see my little trouble-making elfling buddy as a mature... rather attractive (ok, gorgeous) he-elf... *ahem* yes, well ah... oh yes! i finally broke free and went off to check on Amroth, who was sleeping peacefully. Thranduil followed, asking questions like where i had met the human and giving him rather... jealous(?!) glances. then Galadriel summoned us w/ her mighty telepathic powers... and off we went to meet w/ her.

i'm so enjoying yammering on like this that i may use "telling the story" as my reminder to blog now and then. *heeheehee* we'll see!
10:30 AM ::
Creide :: permalink