The (Sh)Elf Life & Times of Turelie Alasselle
Not your average Elf. Not average in general really. Come, read my mind-- my thoughts, activities, yada, yada. Word on my groups, LOTR&Ot group Quenya Study-Buddy... and my elven roots! *lol*

Tuesday, April 27, 2004
in RL news, have started playing an AWESOME new game! come, join me-- in playing Gothador http://www.gothador.com/index.php?ref=458

am also *very* hooked on RavenBlack's Vampires! game-- http://quiz.ravenblack.net/blood.pl?biter=Creide

oh yeah, at the request of some of my friends, i'm going to add a guest page and maybe see about getting all linked up. also, please keep in mind that i'm *NOT* a mary-sue. the things i'm writing are not my personal story in any way, shape, form or fashion. rather, they are a summary of an RPG and in fact, the romance part was not at all my idea. i have argued and protested every step of the way, but been overruled. therefore, i bring you LOTR Middle Earth Live, through the eyes of Turelie Alasselle


elvish news: and so it begins...

I have not yet been in the kingdom of N. Mirkwood for a full day, and already things have become somewhat complicated. After making the proper introductions between the king, Galadriel, and my human companion Amroth, I sent the king a message saying that I wished to have an audience with him. As Galadriel seemed to interrupt each time we began talking, Thranduil suggested that we make use of his private gardens. The flowers were in full bloom, with each color of the spectrum represented. The air was filled with the heavy perfume of blossoms as we walked together.

Yet, all was not relaxing and serene. King Thranduil began to talk about how lonely his life has become, and how he longs for someone to share it with. At first, I did not understand what he meant, but then he took my hand and gazed longingly into my eyes. I felt I had no choice but to pull away, declaring that I was not what he truly desires. However, like most men, my elf king was stubborn, adamantly telling me that I have been his one desire and true love for ages. Despite my objections, I found myself in his arms, receiving a rather... passionate kiss.

It was all I could do not to give in. In fact, for a brief moment I did let myself go. Yet I knew that it could not be-- not with my secret hanging over me like Damocles' sword. So I thrust him away, telling him no and saying that it could not be. Poor Thranduil thought he had done something wrong, or that I did not love him. The hurt and agony in those beautiful green eyes was too much for me to bear, and I found myself forced to tell him the truth about my ancestry. He took it rather well, considering the violent past of elves and dragons. The simple fact that the king was able to see beyond what I am and look at who I am meant more to me than I could ever have told him.

King Thranduil finally escorted me back to my chambers, where I found that he had ordered a stunning outfit for me.

**continued in next post**
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