The (Sh)Elf Life & Times of Turelie Alasselle
Not your average Elf. Not average in general really. Come, read my mind-- my thoughts, activities, yada, yada. Word on my groups, LOTR&Ot group Quenya Study-Buddy... and my elven roots! *lol*

Monday, May 10, 2004

elvish news: the party, part 2

His kiss reminded me of all the long years I had spent alone, dreaming that someone would look at me just once the way Thranduil now looked at me. I could not resist returning it just as tenderly as he had begun it. Then the soft murmur of voices around us woke me from my dream-state. I was horrified! Countless eyes watching my every move, mouths whispering and commenting about this moment that should never have happened in public...

I gasped, pulling my mouth from his. How humiliating... I could not run from him-- And leave a mighty and beloved king spurned in plain view of his subjects? Nor could I continue to behave in such a manner. Forced to remain in his arms, I looked to Thranduil, but my embarassment was so great that I could not meet his eyes. He kissed me again, softly, and told me there was nothing to be ashamed of. With a look he silenced the crowd then took me by the hand and led me again to his garden. I could not be sure which was worse-- to stand in the public eye, or the words I knew were being said of our absence.

in the garden again

I stood deep in my thoughts, almost envying his serenity. He had nothing to hide, whereas I had hidden my entire life and known the shame of my mixed heritage. Thranduil interrupted my revery, pulling me into his arms once again. As much as I longed to hold him in return I could not, and stiffened, turning my gaze from him. He was too deep into this thing to consider the consequences. It was for me to keep a clear head.

I told him this could not continue with so much at stake. I spoke of his subjects' dismay at finding their king suitor to something less suitable than a human, something that would terrify them, possibly inspire hatred. It pained me to tell him, but I had to say the words, "I am not fit for you, your highness." I turned from him to hide my sorrow. "My heritage is not something that can remain hidden." The memories my words reawakened were dark ones. "That is a lesson I learned long ago, and painfully. That is why, my lord, you should seek an appropriate match, rather than pursuing a childhood fantasy." My hope was that my words would take him back to the days when he was but an elfling and I cared for him, throw into contrast his infant admiration and this new emotion. "There are countless elf-maids here tonight, each more beautiful than the next. Surely one of them is more suited to win your heart."

He laughed at me. He actually laughed at me, brushing the hair from my face. I knew he had drunk much wine and it loosened his tongue. Thranduil told me boldly that he is well-know for being many things, but mainly for being wise and beloved by his people. For this reason he said, they would trust me to live among them and think no ill of me. Then he said something that truly amazed me, "Also I love to chase dreams, and if to have you means to sacrifice everything, then consider it done. And Turelie, they can be beautiful but they can't touch this silly old heart like you do." He gently took my hand and placed it on his heart. I could feel it pounding fiercely as he said, "They can't make me feel I'm living inside an amazing dream like you do, I won't look for another person to match me because there won't be another woman in my life that will make me feel like you do."

He sealed the promise in his words with a kiss far more passionate than the ones before. How could I not respond in kind? I found myself caught in the moment, so enraptured that I begged him not to stop kissing me. Of course he complied, whispering "Lle úthaes nín, nín bain" (You tempt me, my beauty) and kissing me wildly. Then he started, and I broke away, trying to figure out what was wrong. Thranduil had received a telepathic reminder of his duties as host from Galadriel, and said we should return at.

I was disappointed. To be interrupted now that I had finally found a moment of happiness... The king led me back to the party, and I went peaceably though I longed to speak my mind. I knew I did not plan to stay in Mirkwood long, and wished to spend all the time I could with him. Yet, I could never tell him how I felt. To me "love" is a completely foreign idea and to know that after thousands of years someone at last felt this thing for me was frightening at best. I was used to being in complete control, but suddenly my heart had become a runaway horse, scorning the reins of logic.

He paused for a moment to look at me before we rejoined the crowd. "If it was my choice, be sure I would not end what we started a few moments ago..."
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