The (Sh)Elf Life & Times of Turelie Alasselle
Not your average Elf. Not average in general really. Come, read my mind-- my thoughts, activities, yada, yada. Word on my groups, LOTR&Ot group Quenya Study-Buddy... and my elven roots! *lol*

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

elvish news: turelie's dress...

to make it easy on myself, i shall simply copy my post from the RPG:


Turelie was not sure what to expect as she entered the firelit chamber. When she saw the gown hanging in the room, her eyes widened. She had known the king had excellent taste, but the dress he had chosen for her astonished her nevertheless. He had remembered her favorite color from his childhood-- the gown itself was of the deepest green, which she now noticed, was the same brilliant shade as Thranduil's eyes. The overlay was of fine silver, spun into a sheer mesh cloth as delicate as a spiderweb. The neckline and cuffs were adorned with countless tiny emeralds and white stones that flashed in the firelight. However, the detail that truly astonished her was the symbol, that of the House of Thingol, embroidered on the garment with incredible detail.

"My lord... my house..." she finally managed to gasp out, as she touched the silken fabric. For a long moment she could say nothing else. Turelie glanced at the table and saw a circlet cleverly made in the shape of two flowers adorned with tiny white stones, intertwining and meeting in the center to encircle a single large emerald. "Such extravagance is truly undeserved, my king. And perhaps considering my..." She stopped and bowed her head, too embarrassed to continue.

When I turned to him, Thranduil simply smiled, bowed and left the room. I quickly made use of the tub of hot water which had been made ready for me, then dressed, leaving my hair unbraided for a change. Meanwhile, Amroth was receiving clothes of his own:

A servant approached the room, and knocked, then entered. He smiled at the human and announced, "These clothes have been selected for you. Please do not hesitate to ask if there is anything you wish or need." The tunic he laid on the table was of finely woven light blue cloth. Beautiful shapes and flowers were embroidered along the front closure in varying shades of blue. The light of the torches sent miniscule rainbows dancing across the sleeves from priceless white stones. The leggings were fitted and the boots were soft. "A bath has been made ready for you," the servant said, motioning toward a door leading to an outer room. "The lady Turelie Alasselle shall escort you to the feast." Leaving the awe-struck human staring at the clothes in silence, he bowed politely and took his leave.

Once I had made my preparations, I dashed off down the hall to pick up Amroth. He was nervous and fearful of such a formal occasion, but I assured him that the elves thought highly of him and only wished to please him. (Time for another post):

Turelie and Amroth walked silently down the path. All around them were lights, torches carried by the countless inhabitants of the kingdom. Each face smiled and many voices joined in a soft melody. The path was lined with trees, and the stars themselves appeared to have taken residence within their boughs. As the procession wound down into the firelit glade, the singing increased and the tune brightened. Roasting meats and freshly baked delicacies filled the air with a delicious aroma and they could see that some of the party-goers were already seated in a large circle and had begun passing bowls from hand to hand. At the far end of the circle, off to one side sat Galadriel and Celeborn, talking and watching the crowd. On a low throne in the very center, his head encircled with a crown of flowers, sat King Thranduil himself, his beautiful face radiant and beaming as his servants wove around him in a graceful dance.

Galadriel approached us at once, welcoming us in her usual graceful manner. Then I sent Amroth off to dance with an elf-maiden who was eyeing him and approached the king...
3:44 PM ::
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