The (Sh)Elf Life & Times of Turelie Alasselle
Not your average Elf. Not average in general really. Come, read my mind-- my thoughts, activities, yada, yada. Word on my groups, LOTR&Ot group Quenya Study-Buddy... and my elven roots! *lol*

Monday, April 19, 2004
Mae govannen!

As dear Naneth Duchess keeps pointing out, I'm afraid I have been rather neglecting my poor blog. *blush* It is just that I have been soooo busy lately! Still working, commuting, doing the school thing and took a wk off to go on vacation last wk. I fear I have been a terrible owner/mod for a couple of my groups, as doing the RP one is taking up a great deal of my online time. OK, that and I'm just lazy! *hangs head in shame.*

Well, onwards and upwards, I always say! So what's new... well, I've become a vampire, Turelie has taken on a second life in my new RP group, I have been busy making new friends in the vamp world and working like a dog in the real one. Anywho, within the vamp world I decided to join a clan. It's been pretty awesome and I'm loving it... but last night I was issued an invitation. It is truly an honor and I feel very special... but very afraid as well. Anywho, on to things of a brighter hue...


elvish news: new beginnings...

now that i am in a whole new world, i, as Turelie Alasselle have taken on a new persona. this time i am a kinder, gentler version of myself. unlike my human-wary self in the other RP, i willingly took on a human companion, Amroth. the poor boy was hurt, so i applied what skills i could to slow the poison in his wounds. then we set off towards the heart of Mirkwood, where we were met by a band of elves. they were friendly and understanding, and i made the acquaintance of Hareth, their leader. he was funny and laid-back, cracking on me about "my human"-- until he found out how old i was! without thinking *wink, wink* i introduced myself as "Turelie Alasselle, of the House of Doriath," forgetting for a brief moment that Doriath was destroyed long before most elves were even born! so we were taken to North Mirkwood, where Amroth was placed in the care of a healer.

when King Thranduil heard the news of an elder elf arriving, he came at once, hastily leaving a meeting with Galadriel and Celeborn. i was amazed by how like his father, Oropher, he was-- same noble carriage, same calm demeanor, same beauty and grace. *sigh* apparently he was impressed w/ me as well-- he leapt to his feet and gave me a bone-crushing embrace upon hearing my name. why? well... and here's where it gets interestin'...

when i lived in N. Mirkwood before little Thrandy was just a wee elfling. *snicker* and apparently (blame *Grandma* Maldy for this one!) i was the object of his first crush. *ten shades of red* after my sudden disappearance, which was never explained, he was rather heart-broken. the poor dear elfling always missed me and now that i'm back-- well, he sort of forgot about being a noble, dignified king for a bit! you should've seen him blushing and fawning over me! i am still somewhat in shock myself, to see my little trouble-making elfling buddy as a mature... rather attractive (ok, gorgeous) he-elf... *ahem* yes, well ah... oh yes! i finally broke free and went off to check on Amroth, who was sleeping peacefully. Thranduil followed, asking questions like where i had met the human and giving him rather... jealous(?!) glances. then Galadriel summoned us w/ her mighty telepathic powers... and off we went to meet w/ her.

i'm so enjoying yammering on like this that i may use "telling the story" as my reminder to blog now and then. *heeheehee* we'll see!
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